To program is to write arithmatic expressions
One perspective to program is simply to write arithmatic expressions. Some key observations:
- Arithmatic here refers to combining data using operations that can be performed on the data.
- Primitive data such as numbers, strings, booleans etc. is called atomic data and is provided by any language as a jumping off point.
An example using numbers
> (+ 1 2 3)
> (modulo 10 3)
> (floor 3.6)
In the above example, the first arithmatic expression has +
as the operator and 1 2 3
as the number arguments to the operator. In the second example, we have modulo
as the operator and 10 3
as arguments and finally we have floor
as the operator and 3.6
as the single argument.
An example using strings
> (string-append "hello" " " "world!")
"hello world!"
> (string-length "hello world!")
Now we have string-append
as the operator, which is like addition of strings (instead of numbers) and "hello" " " "world!"
as three arguments. Then, there is string-length
as the operator with a single argument, hello world!
. Note as illustrated in this last example, that the value of the expresssion can be of different type than the arguments. In this particular case, the arguments are string
s while the result is a number
An example using booleans
> (or #true #false)
> (and (> 1 1) (string=? "hello" "hi"))
In the first example here, we have two boolean arguments - #true
and #false
and or
as the operator. In the second example, there are two sub-expressions - one comparing number
s and other comparing string
s, the values of which becomes arguments to the and
Checking for kind of data before doing arithmatic
In a dynamically typed language, mismatch between the data and the operator will result in an error:
> (+ "hello" "world")
+: expects a number, given "hello"
It is thus important to check the data type before doing arithmatic on the data. This is done by using predicates:
> (define x 2)
> (define y "hello")
> (define z #false)
> (if (number? x) (sqr x) 0)
> (if (number? y) (sqr y) 0)
> (if (string? y) (string-length y) 0)
> (if (string? x) (string-length x) 0)
> (if (boolean? z) (not z) 0)
> (if (boolean? y) (not y) 0)
In the above examples, instead of failing on getting incorrect kind of data, we are producing 0 as a result. Of course, this may not be ideal design either, but it shows a way of guarding an expression against incorrect data type.